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Report and Analysis version 1.3.6 Shows unwanted Avg Score

Welcome to QSM Support Forum. Forums QSM Pro Support Report and Analysis version 1.3.6 Shows unwanted Avg Score

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  • #3850
    Ken JohnsonKen Johnson

    Hello QSM Support Personnel,
    When Points are used for a Quiz, the Report and Analysis area shows Average Score based on correct points. This is not correct. If points system is used average points should be in Report and Analysis. Please address. I also notice there is no variable for percentage based on points, would you consider giving us this variable?
    My Test and sample Quiz have 3 Questions; two scored with points and one to upload Image of pdf, which obviously does not need points attached. Currently 2/3 questions correct which is really 2/2, which is 100% based on points; but Avg score shows as 66% which is consistent with 2/3. Please Fix for me and the others that use your plugin in this way.
    I have been enjoying your plugins and would like to continue to put them to good use and accomplish my testing goals.
    Thanks in advance.

    Ken JohnsonKen Johnson

    Here is a picture of the report and analysis

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    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Ken,

    I will have to talk to the development team regarding this issue. I will get back to you as soon as I hear back from them.


    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Ken,

    As it will need some time and planning. We will check and fix this in the next plugin update.


    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma


    We have fixed this issue in the latest version of the QSM. Please update the same and let me know if you face any issue.

    Kind regards,

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