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hide the submit button

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  • #4953
    Mariusz MireckiMariusz Mirecki

    How can I hide the Submit your answer button?

    I am using logic to show the correct answers and I do not need the button.

    I tried changing the type o quiz to not-graded, but the button is still there.

    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Mariusz,

    This can be done only with custom CSS code. Please paste the following CSS code in Appearance -> Customize -> Custom CSS.

        display: none !important;

    Please do tell me whether the above code worked or not. In case, it doesn’t work then please share the quizz’s URL with me so that I can help you with the required code.

    Kind regards,

    Mariusz MireckiMariusz Mirecki

    It worked brilliantly! thanks!

    This logic plugin is AWESOME! It’s going to revolutionise the way I drip content to my students.

    Just please get this Certificate working 🙁

    Can’t wait to put the rest of my newly acquired add-ons to test 🙂

    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Mariusz, it is good to know that the css code worked for you. And our development team is working on the issue regarding certificate addon. Hopefully, we will provide you a fix soon.

    Kind regards,

    bevis jasonbevis jason

    If you have access to the HTML code for your Run 3 Unblocked quiz, you can simply delete the button element.

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