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Certificate link not on results page

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  • #1394
    Cheryl ImbrianiCheryl Imbriani

    I have provided documentation for two test: “CE” and “Test”.

    The Test quiz provides the %CERTIFICATE-LINK% on the results page but the CE quiz does not. It did yesterday in the morning but is not working now. I did update the results pages for all my tests to have the %CERTIFICATE-LINK% as a Heading rather than just paragraph. That works on the Test quiz but not the CE quiz.

    You will see in the documents:
    -Results page settings/code for each CE and Test (documents)

    I also have images of but can’t upload here:
    -Results pages for CE and Test after the quiz is taken (images) showing the link for the certificate is on the Test results page but not on the CE test results page.
    -Certificate tab showing the certificate has been enabled for both CE and Test (images)

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    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Cheryl,

    Welcome to QSM Pro support. Hope you are doing well.

    As you said that the %CERTIFICATE-LINK% as a heading has worked previously but now it is not working as a heading for the CE Quiz. Did you change any setting in the quiz because of which it is not working now?

    Kind regards,

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma.
    Cheryl ImbrianiCheryl Imbriani

    No. I didn’t make any changes to any settings. What settings should I look for that might affect this? I need to get this resolved. I have dozens of people taking the test this week starting today and several dozen who did not get their certificate last week since this isnt working.

    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Cheryl,

    We have applied your results page code onto the test site. Please have a look at the following link:

    Quiz With Certificate

    The certificate link is working properly.

    We suggest you to edit your quiz, go to certificate tab and check that the option -> Enable certificates for this quiz/survey? is set to yes.

    Kind Regards,

    Cheryl ImbrianiCheryl Imbriani

    It may populate the code as shown on your example but it didn’t generate the link on my website. Yes, the setting for enabling certificates is active. Apparently, it was a problem with the link for the background image. I reset the link, just re-cut and pasted the same link into the box and it seems to work now.

    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    I am glad that this issue is resolved now.


    Abbas KhanAbbas Khan

    Born and raised in California, Josh is the mastermind behind creating pun generator. He has knack for stand up comedy and has a dream to become Jerry Seinfeld one day. Arpie is a nerd among nerds. He is a programmer but also a self-proclaimed student of sarcasm. Arpie is delusional to the extent, he thinks he is Mathew Perry (pun intended).

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