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Hide quiz URLS

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  • #2934[email protected]

    I want to hide all the links to quizes so they are not accessible.

    For example, if someone goes to this url, I don’t want them to be able to take the quiz: domain . com/quiz/happyquiz/

    I only want the quiz to be accessible by going to a page where I have embedded the quiz with shortcode.

    How can I do this?


    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Tom,

    If you don’t share the quizz URLs anywhere on your website, users won’t be able to access them. Being a website admin, only you can access them from their particular URLs. Other users can only access them if you share them on a particular page.


    #3151[email protected]

    >>>If you don’t share the quizz URLs anywhere on your website, users won’t be able to access them
    Google has already indexed a couple of my quizes.

    One solution is:
    Quiz and Survey master doesn’t provide a way to hide a quiz. But there is a work around:

    1. Go to post settings for the quiz and password protect that post.

    2. Create a new page where you want users to take the quiz.

    3. Use the toolset plugin to look for the quizcode, like this:

    [wpv-conditional if=”( ‘[wpv-search-term param=”quizcode”]’ eq ‘8u6hj456h’ )”]

    [qsm quiz=12]


    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Yes, you can’t hide Website data from Google crawlers.

    Thanks for sharing the workaround with us.

    Kind regards,

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