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Duplicate Test problems

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  • #674
    Stuart BonsellStuart Bonsell

    Hi – I have many warnings from duplicating an existing test which has been working fine for over a year

    This is the page that has my test so you can have a look:

    Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/quiz-master-next/php/classes/class-qsm-questions.php on line 67

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/quiz-master-next/php/classes/class-qsm-questions.php on line 69

    Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/quiz-master-next/php/classes/class-qmn-quiz-manager.php on line 254

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/quiz-master-next/php/classes/class-qmn-quiz-manager.php on line 257

    Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/quiz-master-next/php/classes/class-qmn-quiz-manager.php on line 261


    Hello there,

    I am sorry to hear that you’ve run into such that problem. Which version of QSM plugin are you running? Is it the latest? Also please check your site’s server and ensure it meets minimum requirements as mentioned on


    Stuart BonsellStuart Bonsell

    Hi Kharis
    Sorry, but that is not a helpful answer after 36 hours of waiting when I have stated clearly that it is a duplicate of another test which is working fine.
    The plugin is up to date.
    The other test works, so there is no conflict with WordPress.
    I want to know, simply, do I need to re-write the entire test or is this solvable? And if it is solvable, how is it solvable.


    Hello there,

    Your tried your quiz and no questions in there. Did you also duplicate the questions?


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    Stuart BonsellStuart Bonsell

    Wow – so the word ‘duplicate’ is actually meaningless …
    Anyhow, I duplicated the questions and it created even more errors, so I’m going to write the whole Quiz out again.
    What should have been a five minute job has been delayed by over a week, and there is no solution at the end of it.
    NOT a great experience.


    Hello there,

    Please share us username and password to your site’s admin area to allow us checking it directly. Use private reply to securely share login credentials along with admin login URL.


    temp temptemp temp

    I am facing an issue in my questionnaire system (QSM). We have a total of 40 questions, among which there are three sets: 15&15, 17&18, and 19&20. In these three sets, the user is supposed to select 2 answers. However, the problem is that the QSM is counting it as one question. Ideally, I want it to count 15&16 as two separate instances to achieve a total question count of 40, but currently, the total count is only showing 37.

    Kyle TaylorKyle Taylor

    Greetings everyone, I thoroughly enjoy frequenting the gym and embarking on bike rides several times a week. Maintaining an active lifestyle significantly boosts my motivation. Amidst the demands of student life, where studying consumes the majority of one’s time, I suggest considering the utilization of tools that can allocate more time for social activities and hobbies. When employed effectively, these services have the potential to improve academic performance by providing tailored, top-notch work and assisting students in managing their time more efficiently.

    Meeloun EducationMeeloun Education

    写作与结构安排是确保Paper代写 逻辑清晰、条理分明的重要方面。一篇好的作业应有明确的主题和结构,包括引言、主体和结论等部分。引言部分应简要介绍研究背景、问题和目的,主体部分应按照逻辑顺序展开论述,结论部分应总结主要观点和研究发现。每一部分都应有清晰的主题句和段落结构,做到层次分明、衔接自然。代写者在写作过程中,应注重逻辑的连贯性和论述的深度,确保每一个观点都有充分的论据支持。同时,代写者应根据作业的具体要求,选择合适的写作风格和语言表达,做到内容详实、语言流畅。此外,代写者还应注意段落之间的过渡和连接,避免出现内容跳跃和逻辑断裂的情况。

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