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Does not send email after a user has finish the survay

Welcome to QSM Support Forum. Forums QSM Pre-Sales Does not send email after a user has finish the survay


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  • #3649
    Tiger DingTiger Ding

    Hey support!

    I have correctly fill in the email id in the “email” section located in survey editting page and i did not set put any restriction. However the email system does not seem to be working, it did not send email to my admin after a user has done the survey. I have tried a different email id and got the same result.|
    Pls help me and feel free to ask me anything you need to solve the problem.

    Thanks đŸ™‚

    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi there,

    Welcome to Qsm Support Forum. Hope you are having a great day.

    Qsm uses wordpress email functionality to send the emails. Please check whether your website is sending emails successfully or not. To do this, change the email address under the user profile of yours.

    If your receive the confirmation email on new email address, then your website is successfully sending the emails.


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