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Answers not showing in results

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  • #3955
    Steve WhitingSteve Whiting

    I have created 2 quizzes. The first quiz works fine and in the results you can see answers to each of questions in the second quiz I cant find any setting or option that is different however in the results it just says after name etc and number right
    Answers Provided:
    The user took 350 to complete quiz.
    Comments entered were:
    The answers were as follows:

    then nothing.
    I have then tried 1st quis again and this records the results

    I cant see any difference in quiz but I assume there must be. second quiz is a picture quiz again with multiple choice.


    Steve WhitingSteve Whiting

    Hi found the problem. It was under Texts
    Thanks for a great plugin

    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma



    Meeloun EducationMeeloun Education

    信誉是衡量Assignment代写 机构的重要指标。一个机构的信誉不仅反映了其服务质量和客户满意度,还影响着客户的信任和选择。高信誉的代写机构通常在市场上拥有良好的口碑和客户评价,客户对其服务质量、交稿准时性、客户支持等方面给予高度评价。这些机构通常重视客户反馈,积极改进服务,确保客户满意度。然而,一些低信誉的代写机构可能存在虚假宣传、服务质量差、客户投诉多等问题,客户对其服务不满意,甚至存在法律纠纷。因此,学生在选择代写机构时,应参考其他客户的评价和反馈,选择那些信誉良好、口碑较好的机构,以确保服务的可靠性和满意度。

    Tom MisonTom Mison

    Quiz Settings: Double-check the settings for the second quiz to ensure there are no differences compared to the first quiz that could be causing the issue. Look for any options related to displaying results, grading, or feedback that may be configured differently. [url=]slope 3d[/url]

    Question Types: You mentioned the second quiz is a “picture quiz again with multiple choice”. Ensure the question types are set up correctly and are consistent between the two quizzes.

    Scoring/Grading: Verify the scoring or grading settings for the second quiz. The issue with just seeing “after name etc and number right” could indicate a problem with how the results are being displayed.

    Feedback/Comments: The lack of any feedback or comments in the results for the second quiz is also concerning. Check if there are any settings related to displaying feedback or comments that may be causing this.

    Test the Quizzes: Try taking both quizzes yourself to see if you can replicate the issue and identify any differences in the experience or results.

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    David JohnsonDavid Johnson

    You are stressed and want to find a hobby to reduce it, then try Bad Time Simulator right away. It will help you become happy and reduce the pressure in your daily life.

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