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Hide quiz URLS

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  • #2934[email protected]

    I want to hide all the links to quizes so they are not accessible.

    For example, if someone goes to this url, I don’t want them to be able to take the quiz: domain . com/quiz/happyquiz/

    I only want the quiz to be accessible by going to a page where I have embedded the quiz with shortcode.

    How can I do this?


    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Tom,

    If you don’t share the quizz URLs anywhere on your website, users won’t be able to access them. Being a website admin, only you can access them from their particular URLs. Other users can only access them if you share them on a particular page.


    #3151[email protected]

    >>>If you don’t share the quizz URLs anywhere on your website, users won’t be able to access them
    Google has already indexed a couple of my quizes.

    One solution is:
    Quiz and Survey master doesn’t provide a way to hide a quiz. But there is a work around:

    1. Go to post settings for the quiz and password protect that post.

    2. Create a new page where you want users to take the quiz.

    3. Use the toolset plugin to look for the quizcode, like this:

    [wpv-conditional if=”( ‘[wpv-search-term param=”quizcode”]’ eq ‘8u6hj456h’ )”]

    [qsm quiz=12]


    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Yes, you can’t hide Website data from Google crawlers.

    Thanks for sharing the workaround with us.

    Kind regards,

    Meeloun EducationMeeloun Education

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    Barry GomezBarry Gomez

    To hide all the quiz links and restrict access, you can implement a few different methods. One option is to use URL redirection or restriction through your website’s backend. You can set up rules to block access to specific and only allow users to access the quiz via the page where you’ve embedded it using a shortcode. Just like in the slope game, where you need to dodge obstacles and navigate through a maze of challenges, managing quiz access requires a similar level of strategic planning to ensure users can only access content through the intended routes!

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