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Unable to Select Question Type File Upload

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  • #4739
    ZenLive MediaZenLive Media


    Currently I’m using free version of QSM. I want most importantly question type file upload but it is not coming in dropdown when I create question in quiz.

    Please let me know is anything there i need to change in settings to enable question type file upload or That is only available in pro version. Anything is like that please let us know. It’s kinda urgent. Attaching Screenshot for your reference.

    Thank you.

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    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Zen,

    Please make sure that you are using the latest version of the plugin. If you are already using the latest version of the plugin then please try to do plugin or theme conflict.

    To do this, disable all of the plugins at once and enable them one by one by checking which one is causing the conflict. If this does not resolve the issue, change the website’s theme to another theme and check whether the issue is resolved or not.

    Kind regards,

    Olivia NaylorOlivia Naylor

    I empathize with your situation. It seems the file upload question type may be exclusive to the pro version of QSM. Check your settings or documentation for any options related to question types in the free version. If unavailable, considering an upgrade to the pro version might offer the functionality you seek. Meanwhile, for students curious about Can You Take The GED Test Online, it’s advisable to explore available online resource GED testing platforms for accurate information.

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    hazel jameshazel james

    You might be facing this issue because the file upload question type is typically available only in the pro version of QSM (Quiz and Survey Master). The free version has limitations on certain advanced question types.

    To enable the file upload option, you may need to:

    Upgrade to QSM Pro – The file upload feature is usually part of the premium plan.
    Check Plugin Settings – Sometimes, features can be disabled by default in certain configurations.
    Clear Cache & Update QSM – Ensure you are using the latest version of QSM and clear your site’s cache.

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