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  • #3607
    mandy passmoremandy passmore

    I would like to know how I can change the Font of my question as well as the answer choices.

    To include:
    Font Text
    Color Font
    Font Size

    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Mandy,

    Welcome to Qsm Pro Support Forum. Hope you are having a great day.

    You can do this with the help of custom Css code. If you need help with the css code, do let me know.


    mandy passmoremandy passmore

    Yes, please. I haven’t really used CSS Codes.
    The main thing I want to do is make the answer choices a larger font since they are very small.

    Can you please also give me some tips of how to change the other things I mentioned (color, text, alignment)?

    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Ok Mandy, please share the website’s url with me so that I can look into it and provide you the required code.


    mandy passmoremandy passmore

    The url is:

    I would like:
    1. The answer choices to be a larger font (22pt)
    2. The border of the Name Box to be turquoise color
    3. The “See My Results” button to be spaced out more
    4. The font of the answer choices to be a different font (if you tell me a generic code, I can try plugging in different font styles to see what I like best)

    Thanks so much!

    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Mandy,

    You pasted the wrong URL here, I need the URL of your website to give you the code.


    mandy passmoremandy passmore

    Whoops, sorry!

    Bucket List Test

    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Mandy,

    Here is the code that will match your requirements:

    .qsm_check_answer label{
    font-size: 22px;
    font-family: “Times New Roman”; /*Change Times New Roman here to the required font*/

    .qsm_contact_div input[type=”text”]{
    border: 2px solid #40E0D0;

    .post-content input[type=”submit”]{
    margin-top: 30px;


    Robert CornejoRobert Cornejo

    Got it. So this problem is solved, tunnel rush is great.

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    Kerry BensonKerry Benson

    I tried custom CSS code and got the font change for question in happy wheels.

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