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error 0024, get_page_permastruct fatal error, conflict with fastest-cache ?

Welcome to QSM Support Forum. Forums QSM Pre-Sales error 0024, get_page_permastruct fatal error, conflict with fastest-cache ?

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  • #3581
    Pierre LabadillePierre Labadille


    We’re trying your plugin, it passed all of our test in staging but instantly broke all the admin side of the production (including wp-post.php and wp-ajax.php so this impact some of the front too) after deploy. Please note I’m a web developer and I’m used to work with wordpress among other.

    We have a bug catching system so I can provide you some information, firstly here is the stacktrace :
    ErrorPOST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
    Call to a member function get_page_permastruct() on null
    Linked event: 4 minutes ago · May 4th, 13:10:49 CEST

    Error Call to a member function get_page_permastruct() on null
    /[path_to_release]/wp-includes/link-template.php:376 _get_page_link
    /[path_to_release]/wp-includes/link-template.php:338 get_page_link
    /[path_to_release]/wp-includes/link-template.php:146 get_permalink
    /[path_to_release]/assets/plugins/wp-fastest-cache/wpFastestCache.php:1232 WpFastestCache::deleteHomePageCache
    /[path_to_release]/assets/plugins/wp-fastest-cache/wpFastestCache.php:905 WpFastestCache::on_all_status_transitions
    /[path_to_release]/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:287 WP_Hook::apply_filters
    /[path_to_release]/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:311 WP_Hook::do_action
    /[path_to_release]/wp-includes/plugin.php:478 do_action
    /[path_to_release]/wp-includes/post.php:4667 wp_transition_post_status
    /[path_to_release]/wp-includes/post.php:4054 wp_insert_post
    /[path_to_release]/assets/plugins/quiz-master-next/php/classes/class-qmn-log-manager.php:128 QMN_Log_Manager::insert_log
    /[path_to_release]/assets/plugins/quiz-master-next/php/classes/class-qmn-log-manager.php:104 QMN_Log_Manager::add
    /[path_to_release]/assets/plugins/quiz-master-next/php/classes/class-qsm-tracking.php:93 QSM_Tracking::send_data
    /[path_to_release]/assets/plugins/quiz-master-next/php/classes/class-qsm-tracking.php:69 QSM_Tracking::track_check
    /[path_to_release]/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:287 WP_Hook::apply_filters
    /[path_to_release]/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:311 WP_Hook::do_action
    /[path_to_release]/wp-includes/plugin.php:478 do_action
    /[path_to_release]/wp-settings.php:403 require_once
    /data/www/kana_prod/www/shared/wp-config.php:98 require_once
    /[path_to_release]/wp-load.php:37 require_once
    /[path_to_release]/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php:22 [main]

    The plugin is up-to-date, as well as WordPress, php, and the system :
    “php”: “”,
    “wordpress”: “5.4.1”

    Your custom Logger stored (2 312 times…) the following under the ‘qmn_log’ custom post type :
    Error 0024 : Usage tracker failed due to following reason: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host:
    I’m not sure it’s a related. I don’t really understand why their is anything to track on the plugin activation anyway.. I curl this url locally in my machin and I have the same error by the way.

    It seems to be an incompatibility between your Log custom post type creation because the code not working and causing the fatal error on wp-fastest-cache side is the folowing (this is only WordPress code) :

    if($page_for_posts_id = get_option(‘page_for_posts’)){
    $page_for_posts_permalink = urldecode(get_permalink($page_for_posts_id));

    Are-you aware of this issue ? Are-you working on it or have-you a work around ?

    Pierre LabadillePierre Labadille


    I tracked down the issue, it’s caused by checking the tracking_allowed option. Disabling it solve the issue.

    It’s fairly easy to reproduce :
    – install and activate wp-fastest-cache plugin
    – install and activate quizandsurveymaster plugin
    – turn on tracking_allowed option on your plugin settings

    It’ll broke all the admin side immediatly with the ErrorGET /wp-admin/admin.php Call to a member function get_page_permastruct() on null
    Here is the stacktrace :


    Are you aware of this incompatibility ? Can you fix it ? Should I worry it would be triggered by other “features” too ?

    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Pierre,

    Welcome to QSM Pro Support. I request you to please raise the support ticket at the support forum as this is a Pre-sales forum.

    Kind Regards,

    Meeloun EducationMeeloun Education

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