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delete unused questions

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  • #3449
    Jacques NJacques N

    Hi Kriti,

    I have discovered with a big interest what you answered to Mark, about his topic “How to reduce the size of wp_mlw_results table?”
    You proposed to go directly into the tables, using PHP my admin.
    May I use it to delete unused questions? I have the intuition that the slow down of the request I told you about (Access to the question bank) might be caused by some questions which should not remain in the database, because I deleted them clicking on the little trash icon.
    These questions should not be there anymore, but they are still present.
    Is there any risk to delete them with PHP my admin, since you have not proposed an editor to do that yet?



    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Jacques,

    Right now, it is not possible to delete questions directly from the database. But I have forwarded a feature request of “deleting the questions from the plugin will also delete them from the database” to the development team.

    They will try to implement this functionality in the future updates.

    Kind regards,

    Jacques NJacques N

    Hi Kriti,

    It’s getting worse: 3mn15s to display the question bank. Have you an idea of the date of the next release?


    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Jacques,

    I will let you know when the next plugin update will be released.


    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Jacques,

    We have added pagination in the latest version release of the plugin, due to which only few set of questions will load at one time. This will save huge amount of time while loading questions from the question bank.

    Please update and let us know regarding your query.


    Jacques NJacques N

    Hi Kriti,

    Thank you very much for this update.
    Unfortunately, I did not create a specific category for most of my questions. I deeply regret it now. Indeed, the loading of 20 questions takes between 0.5sec and 1sec. I had a look into PHP my admin, and the table seems to contain 5615 questions now. Some of these are useless, and should not remain in the database. But most of these questions are included in my quizzes and are useful.
    Then I decided to click and click again on the “load more questions” button. I guess I had to click 281 times. It takes a very short time to display the 20 next questions, but 281 times this very short time is a very long time, especially when you have to scroll down before each click the field displaying the questions.
    Is there any way to bulk edit the questions in PHP my admin and set them to a specific category? Otherwise, I will be obliged to set a category for my most important questions. Six hours of work, perhaps, but not fifteen hours if I would edit all the questions.
    (Please tell your customers how important it is to set a category for each question if they intend to create a huge quantity of questions like me).


    PS I think that you should add in the dropdown options “add all questions at one time” for people who need now to click ten times to display only 200 questions, I think that this new feature is unfair for them, I guess they would prefer to wait 8 or 10 sec than clicking and scrolling down 10 times.

    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Jacques,

    I will talk to the development team and let you know regarding the same.


    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Jacques,

    Please find the following remarks from our development team:

    I guess I had to click 281 times. It takes a very short time to display the 20 next questions, but 281 times this very short time is a very long time, especially when you have to scroll down before each click the field displaying the questions.

    => We will improve this in next version

    Is there any way to bulk edit the questions in PHP my admin and set them to a specific category?

    => Yes

    UPDATE wp_mlw_questions SET category = 'testing db cat' WHERE question_id IN (167,168)

    Note: Please change the question table name according to yours and add the question ids in comma separated as shown in above query.

    Please tell your customers how important it is to set a category for each question if they intend to create a huge quantity of questions like me

    => We will use category as our reference

    Kind regards,

    Jacques NJacques N

    Hi Kriti,

    Thank you for this SQL query. I think it might be wiser not to use it: I’m not a programmer and I’m afraid it would be catastrophic if I would commit a mistake regarding a SQL query in a php script or prompt. I’m glad to know that you’ll use category as a future reference, it’s a good principle. Perhaps could you think about searching the question bank by quiz name. Everybody names a quiz, and not everybody set a category for each question…


    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Ok Jacques,

    I will also forward this feature request to the development team.


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