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Calculate point for a mix of answer

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  • #1581
    Diego BiDiego Bi

    I have this problem
    I have a quiz with some questions, for example 5 questions
    I need to calculate the total point , for question from 1 to 5 as follow
    total A= points(1)+points(2) + points(3)
    Total B= points(2)+points(4)+Points(5)

    I cant’ do this using the category in the answer becouse I can insert only 1 category per answer.

    Any suggestion?

    Thanks in advance

    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma


    Welcome to QSM Pro Support Forum. Hope you are doing well.

    The quiz can only calculate a total number of points if there is a point allocated in the correct answer. It cannot calculate separately into Total A or Total B. There is only one total for all questions.

    Kind Regards,

    Abbas KhanAbbas Khan

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