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Answers' e-mail not sent

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  • #956
    Aaranja ArulInfoSami


    Four users did a quiz and their answers were not sent. How can we retrieve the answers? Could you please let me know how to do that?
    It is pretty urgent.

    Thank you in advance.

    Best regards,


    Hello Aaranja,

    Thank you for reaching out to us here. Does this issue happen from the first time? Or just a sudden?

    To help check the wp_mail() function is still properly running on your site, try sending a test email with this plugin:


    Aaranja ArulInfoSami

    Hello Kharis,

    This is just sudden. And we need the results of the quiz in order to make important decisions.

    Other emails are normally sent from our webpage.

    Could you please let us know where the results went and how we can retrieve them? If you need additional information regarding our platform, please let me know which one.

    Thank you.


    Aaranja ArulInfoSami

    Hello again,

    We wanted to let you know that we found the results, that we were looking for.

    It was simply in the result section. ^.^’

    Have a nice day!



    Hello Aaaranja,

    Glad to hear you got it resolved.

    Please let us know in a new topic if you have any further questions, or if we can provide you with any other assistance.


    alex arafatalex arafat

    If the answers weren’t sent, I’d first check if the platform saved them as drafts or in cache. If not, contacting support is the best bet. One time, I couldn’t decide whether to retry fetching data or ask users to redo the quiz, so I used to make a quick decision—it actually saved me time! Maybe try checking browser storage or logs while reaching out to support. Hope you recover the answers soon!

    fas taxaafas taxaa

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