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Show contact information on different page

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  • #2685

    I’m having a problem with the quiz on my website. After the last question, people can fill in their contact information to receive the results of the test. The part where people have to fill in their contact details was first shown on a separate page, but now it’s showed directly after the last question, on the same page. I can’t figure out how I can place this on a separate page again. Can someone help me out? I also added a screenshot of my problem in the attachment.

    Thank you in advance.

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    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Suzanne,

    Welcome to Qsm Pro Support Forum. Hope you are doing well.

    Contact fields come on a separate page only when you create pages to display questions. If you create all the questions on a single page then the contact fields will also show up on the same page.



    Hi Kriti,

    Thank you for your response! I have a separate page for each question. I already have this quiz online for a while, and before, the contact fields where shown on a separate page. For some reason, the contact fields are now shown directly after the last question on the same page. I didn’t change anything to the quiz in a while. I discovered this problem because I was taking the quiz to check something else.


    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Suzanne,

    You can try autopagination. Edit the quiz and go to Options tab and find the option -> How many questions per page would you like? Set this to an even number so that the contact form will be the odd page at the end.

    For example, this quiz has 4 questions and I set 2 question per page and the contact form will end up in the last page.

    Test Quiz in WordPress 5.4



    Hi Kriti,

    Thank you for your suggestion. I would prefer one question per page because I use pictures in my quiz, which are shown below each other. If I have more than one question on a page, it looks quite messy and I’m afraid that this causes that people won’t fill in the quiz anymore. I hope there will be a solution to my problem soon.


    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Please share the url of the quiz with me.



    Hi Kriti,

    The problem is solved! The answers were random in my quiz. Now that I disabled this option, the contact information is shown on a separate page!


    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    That’s great Suzanne.

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