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%POINT_SCORE% not giving total score

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  • #4556
    Paul LevinPaul Levin

    Problem with getting the total score.

    I have a small quiz – 1 page, 10 questions.
    All questions are Polar type.
    All answers are score based, where the first answer is 0 and the 2nd answer per question is 5.
    Thus the score for each question ranges from 0 to 5.

    %QUESTIONS_ANSWERS% shows the score I selected for each question.

    However %POINT_SCORE% always reports 0.

    How do I show the total score.
    (Eg. if every question is answered with 5 then the total score would be 50 – 5×10.)

    Thank you.

    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Paul,

    Welcome to Qsm Pro Support Forum. Hope you are having a great day.

    Please expect a little delay in response as I am little unwell. I will get back to you as soon as I feel a little better.

    Kind regards,

    Paul LevinPaul Levin

    I hope you feel better soon Kriti.

    I just tested every variable that seems to have anything to do with a score, in the results page. I also put my questions into a category and tried these variables for as well.
    Everything shows a value of 0, when my polar questions have a value of 3 each (2 of them). So the score should have been 6.

    You did not give an indication of how long it might be before I hear back from. I will be working on this issue again later tonight or tomorrow. If this issue can not be resolved by then I’ll have to move on to another plugin.

    If someone else on this forum has an idea, please suggest.

    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Paul,

    I am feeling better now.

    Actually %POINT_SCORE% template variable doesn’t work with polar questions. If you want the variable to work with this question type, please let me know. I will forward this as the feature request to the development team and they will try to implement it in the next release.

    Till then, you can work with mcq to gather the points scored by the users.

    Kind regards,

    Paul LevinPaul Levin

    Hello Kriti,

    Thank you for the reply. I do think it is important for the scores to be accumulated when using sliders (aka polar). However waiting for the next release is not an option.

    What is mcq?

    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Hi Paul,

    Mcq means multiple choice questions, you can use this question type to collect the points.


    Paul LevinPaul Levin

    Hello Kriti,

    Please do have your engineers add the ability to accumulate the values from the polar question type.

    I have a working mcq quiz. It would be so much better if your polar control could be used as I’ve discussed.

    If they add the feature, please let me know.

    Thank you.

    Kriti SharmaKriti Sharma

    Ok, Paul. I will forward this feature request to the development team and they will try to implement it in the future releases.


    Daniel MeyersDaniel Meyers

    Double check that the %POINT_SCORE% placeholder is used correctly in your quiz template. The block blast should be placed where you want the total score to be displayed.

    Cordell FaircloughCordell Fairclough


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